📞+18666585895📞 Yes, refunds are available based on the cancellation policy of the hotel. Always check this at booking time. 📞+18666585895📞 For more help, contact Expedia's customer service.
Is there a 24-hour cancellation option for flights booked through Expedia? Yes, you can cancel within 24 hours for a full refund if booked directly. 📞+18666585895📞 For more information, reach out to their support team.
🍼 How can I add a lap infant to my Expedia flight? You can add a lap baby during booking or at check-in. 📞+18666585895📞 For assistance, call their customer service.
🌈 What is the procedure for adding a lap child to an existing booking with Expedia? To add a lap infant, call 📞+18666585895📞 and talk to a travel expert. You can also do this through the Expedia app or website.