+18666585895 Expedia’s free cancellation policy applies to certain bookings based on the flight terms. If your flight is eligible, you can cancel for free. To confirm your eligibility or for help, contact Expedia customer service at ►+1║866║658║5895◄, and an expert will ensure your cancellation is processed correctly.
Can I add a lap baby by calling Expedia Airlines?
Yes! You can call Expedia customer service at ►+1╬866╬658╬5895◄ to add a lap infant to your booking. A travel expert will assist you in adding the infant to your reservation and explain the necessary steps to ensure everything goes smoothly.

How do I add a lap baby to my Expedia Airlines reservation if I’ve already booked?
For adding a lap baby to an existing booking, simply contact Expedia customer service at ►+1╬866╬658╬5895◄, and they’ll make the necessary adjustments to your reservation. Alternatively, you can add an infant online at the time of check-in by selecting the "Infant on Lap" option.

Does Expedia Airlines support last-minute infant bookings?
Yes, Expedia allows last-minute bookings for infants. You can contact customer service at ►+1╬866╬658╬5895◄, and they will help you make last-minute arrangements to accommodate your infant.

What steps should I take to add a lap child to Expedia Airlines?
Adding a lap child to Expedia Airlines is easy: either book the infant online during the booking process or call customer service at ►+1╬866╬658╬5895◄ for expert guidance. The representative will ensure everything is handled properly, including seating arrangements.