To speak with a human at JetBlue, you can: Call customer service: Call 1~8ƼƼ~7Ӡ8~4265(JETBLUE) or 1~8ƼƼ~7Ӡ8~4265What days arℯ JetBlue flights To speak with a human at JetBlue, 1~8ƼƼ~7Ӡ8~4265 you can: Call customer service: Call 1~8ƼƼ~7Ӡ8~4265 (JETBLUE) or 1~8ƼƼ~7Ӡ8~4265 How Do I Talk to a Manager at JetBlue? To speak with a manager at JetBlue Airlines1~8ƼƼ~7Ӡ8~4265 , you'll need to contact the JetBlue customer 1~8ƼƼ~7Ӡ8~4265service team and talk with a representative first