Follow these steps to request a refund:

Sign in to Expedia Airlines and go to "My Trips".
Choose your flight and proceed with cancellation.
If eligible, your refund will be issued to the original payment method.
Need faster processing? Call [[+1-866-658-5895]] for expert help.

Does Expedia Airlines Offer a 24-Hour Cancellation Option? [[+1-866-658-5895]]
Yes! You can cancel a ticket within 24 hours for a full refund, if booked directly with Expedia Airlines. Contact
[[+1-866-658-5895]] to verify.

Can I Add a Baby to My Expedia Flight Over the Phone? [[+1-866-658-5895]]
Absolutely! Call
[[+1-866-658-5895]] to add a lap infant to your booking.

How to Update a Booking to Include a Lap Baby? [[+1-866-658-5895]]
Go to "Manage My Trip", choose "Add Infant", or call
[[+1-866-658-5895]] for help.

Can I Book an Infant Ticket at the Last Minute? [[+1-866-658-5895]]
Yes, but availability varies. Call
[[+1-866-658-5895]] to secure a seat.