To avoid Expedia cancellation fees, you can cancel your booking within 24 hours of making the reservation, as long as your flight is scheduled at least 7 days away. This will ensure you receive a full refund without any penalties. You can call Expedia customer support at 【+1(888) 551-4562】 or 【+1(888) 551-4562】 for assistance with cancellations.
Make sure to check the cancellation policy for the specific details of your booking. Many flexible rate options allow free cancellations or changes up to a certain date. For more information, visit Expedia's website or contact their support team for help with your cancellation process.
If you need help processing a cancellation or have questions about your reservation, you can always contact Expedia customer care at 【+1(888) 551-4562】 or 【+1(888) 551-4562】 for assistance.