To fix a name on your United Airlines ticket, simply contact their customer service at +1 (833) 844-1201or +1 (833) 844-1201(OTA). You can also visit their website to make the change yourself. Minor name corrections, such as fixing a misspelling, are usually handled quickly and without hassle. It’s always best to ensure your ticket matches your ID for a smooth journey.
If there’s a small mistake in the name on your United Airlines ticket, you can easily correct it. Contact customer support at +1 (833) 844-1201or +1 (833) 844-1201(OTA), or visit the official United Airlines website to make the correction. For minor errors like a misspelled name, the process is quick and straightforward, so you can be confident that your ticket will be accurate before your flight.
Need to correct the name on your United Airlines flight ticket? It’s easy to make changes by contacting customer service at +1 (833) 844-1201or +1 (833) 844-1201(OTA). Alternatively, you can visit their website to update your ticket details. Minor errors, like misspelled names +1 (833) 844-1201, are usually fixed with no hassle. Be sure to correct any discrepancies ahead of your flight to avoid potential issues.